Show outside temperature in the dashboard
Michael Angelo Justiniano
It's 14 degrees with me. It is not 14 degrees either inside or outside. It's something like 23 inside and -2 out. Here's a picture of what the panel looks like, and an edited photo of what it should have looked like. Can't fathom why such a simple and logical function should take years to arrange.
Anders Still nothing after 2 years of being planned?
Snåla Grisen
I agree, there is also a lot of space in the "climate" widget on the start page. We plan to use futurehome dashboard on an ipad mini and it would be nice if it could display relevant information, such as temperatures.
Espen Håland
under review
Anders Vikan Rønning
Espen Håland: Any progress on this front? :)
Nicolai Gjærum
When I added my Netatmo outside sensor to outdoor room, I'm pretty sure it lowered my average temperaturen toowould be nice if we could exlude sensors for the house temp as well.
Ákos Pap
Nicolai Gjærum: There's a bug for that, please upvote it