Power consumption statistics and monitoring
Espen Håland
Kaspar Strømme
Espen Håland: I hope you can still make a more detailed breakdown of the statistics. Basically a filtering function under each category, to allow individual device statistics. The data exists, and you are already aggregating it to provide the category views. See image what I mean..
Espen Håland
Kaspar Strømme: Yes we are working on something towards this, but more of a "rev 2" of stats. I marked this entry as complete since we now show stats in the app
Kaspar Strømme
Espen Håland: is there any status of “rev 2” of stats? It’s really not very helpful to see most of the devices clumped together.
Kaspar Strømme
Espen Håland: Espen Håland: is there any status of “rev 2” of stats? It’s really not very helpful to see most of the devices clumped together.
Lars Espen Grubbmo
Kaspar Strømme: I am also wondering. I don’t think this is complete before we have statistics per day, week, month, year and so on device level…
Kaspar Strømme
Lars Espen Grubbmo: I think there is limited storage on the hub so storing huge amounts of statistics is probably not in the cards. But at least showing the data currently being collected in a more useful way (by device) should be possible. It’s just idiotic that if I want to compare the usage on my 2 heat pumps over time the only way currently is to isolate the devices into separate groups (lighting for one, appliance for the other)
Lars Espen Grubbmo
Kaspar Strømme: the data is already stored on the hub. In thingsplex you can show statistics per device in the analytics section, so it should be possible to integrate that to the app👍🏻
Kaspar Strømme
Lars Espen Grubbmo: Yes this is true. But I think the data display in Thingsplex is lacking.
Kaspar Strømme
Espen Håland Is there any info on planned update to make Energy view better? It’s really so much easier to use compared to Thingsplex, but so limited with only 3 categories. Now I got a VVB rele also that I cannot monitor here without bumping everything else out of Appliances category. Come on, it feels like you did so much good work with this screen, and then completely crippled it.
Espen Håland
in progress
Kaspar Strømme
Espen Håland: The recently added energy and statistics views are really good and almost doing everything I hoped for. The current grouping into climate/lighting/appliance/etc is nice, but it would be great to be able to drill down a little further to device level.
Mikkel Aronsen
Need to have statistics and monitoring over time for multiple parameters, including Temp, Power Now, Power Kwh, motion, humidity, lux and more. It shoud be displayed in a graf like manner like the tibber app does.
Tor Erik Skårdal
Moving this to planned since the first release does not include statistics.
Kaspar Strømme
The real-time monitor is a nice start but need statics over time (how much did the bathroom heating use last week). NOT COMPLETE.
Tor Erik Skårdal
Kaspar Strømme: I agree with that. We will keep this until we have statistics 👍 For HAN device support we have two different requests, one for Tibber and one for others:
Tor Erik Skårdal
Dashboard and first view is added in 5.0.16. Next week there will be an update with views for each functionality 🙂
Tor Erik Skårdal
in progress
Tor Erik Skårdal
First milestone will be an energy view showing realtime power consumption from devices.
Eilev Hagen
Tor Erik Skårdal: Burde vise forbruk fra tibber pulse hvis den er koblet opp
Nils Magne Lunde
Eilev Hagen: Enig i denne. Nå må man trykke på Consumption for å få opp Pulse i stedet for at man så totalforbruket direkte på dashboard.
Erlend Øyen
Tibber pulse integration status for new app/backend?
Idar Fjellstad
Monitoring of Power and temp is å future that should been there from start.
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