Mill does not show energy
The Mill furnaces have energy measurement, but this is not logged or displayed in the app
Available in the on-premises API:
Atle Knudsen
From what I understand, and which is consistent with what you show in the link, the Mills power (W current_power-the current heating power) measures inWatt, and then it is calculated in the Mill app how many kWt have been used based on how long the above has been at what power. So if Mills doesn't report kWt then it's not that easy to show it in Futurehome either?
I even inserted a Fibaro plug to capture power consumption, although this becomes “a gadget” more and a cost.
The good thing about Fibaro is that you can force it to stand on, so you avoid Futurehome turning it off when the thermostat is up in temperature.
Mikkel Ladefoged Pedersen
Totally agree. Must be a relatively easy, and incredibly useful update to put in place.
Harald Fjogstad
This needs to be arranged urgently. Tibber has this in place. Thought to switch one to Namron with Zigbee protocol, but apparently these do not report energy either - and thus place as “other” along with Millovens during energy measurement.
Håvard H. S.
Harald Fjogstad: I've had three different Mill, generation 2 and 3. Generation 2 was not possible to add, and generation 3 did not show temperature sensor and thermostat set point was read only.
Switched to Namron 1000 W Zigbee yesterday. Installed in seconds, and viewed correctly right away, also energized, under climate. Never gonna go back to the Mill.