EnOcean support on new platform
in progress
Espen Svebak
Enocean light devices show up in Google Home with the correct status, but you can't turn lights on and off there.
Gøran Føland
Have a case with support now where Enocean components do not work on old HUB and are met with a deafening silence. Hope Futurehome changes its focus a bit and supports existing customers a little better than today. A satisfied customer we get you more new ones, a dissatisfied customer says this to everyone
Espen Svebak
What is the status here? Can I replace original smarthub with a new hub + an enocean adapter and readd all my eltako switches and dimmers?
Eirik H
Tor Erik Skårdal, Espen Håland - status on this now?
Eirik H
Anything new Tor Erik Skårdal?
Espen Håland
Espen Svebak: It should work - and enocean is a option when including devices. It has not been marked as complete due to all the tests with this USB adapter (what will happen if you pull out the USB when smarthub is running & put it back in etc.)
Espen Håland
in progress
on new hub with usb interface there will soon be possible to show all adapters "zwave, zigbee, enocean"
Espen Håland
Feature implemented in app version 5.4.0
Tormod Tønnesen
Espen Håland: Why is this complete? We are more people who have voted for it because it includes support in the new hub.
Andreas Erlandsen
What's the status here now? There is a lot that has been implemented, and apparently also inclusion on new platform. Do you guys count Enocean as fully implemented and out of beta now? Tor Erik Skårdal (Also see the Enocean category is gone from the forum now,)
Eirik H
Enocean now works on old hub, with new app. Tested myself.
Dagfinn Kvalsund
Noko nytt her Tor Erik Skårdal ?🙂
Tor Erik Skårdal
Dagfinn Kvalsund: Yes — we are in the process of testing the control of the relay and dimmers. Expect to have sensors in place soon as well.
We have not started on the possibility of adding EnOcean devices to new app.
Dagfinn Kvalsund
Tor Erik Skårdal: Is it okay to participate in testing at all? Has some FUD/FSR61 and FUD/FSR14 in addition to several mode switches.
Tor Erik Skårdal
Kjell Inge Meisal
Tor Erik Skårdal: Will mode switch from old platform be supported on new hub?
Tor Erik Skårdal
Kjell Inge Meisal: that's not the plan. But see that someone has bought an EnOcean USB stick and used it in a new smart hub, and then in theory you will be able to use it after we have finished with this software that we are working on.
Tormod Tønnesen
Tor Erik Skårdal: Ehm, this is counter to what was said on Slack when the new hub was launched? We are a whole bunch who have spent 600 kr on an enocean stick (recommended by FH) for new hub to be able to continue using old mode switch 😢 Hope you guys can look into it after this one is done!
Tor Erik Skårdal
Tormod Tønnesen: The new smart hub will be able to use the old mode switch hivs you have USB:) But it's not possible to add it yet to the new app, but there's an update coming that adds the support;)
Dagfinn Kvalsund
Status Tor Erik Skårdal ?
Tor Erik Skårdal
Dagfinn Kvalsund: it is still being worked on, but is unfortunately somewhat postponed due to other priorities. It's a big job to “convert” everything over, but hope can split it up into groups (sensors, dimmers...) and start external testing in 3-4 weeks.
Dagfinn Kvalsund
Tor Erik Skårdal: Yay. It's getting closer 🙂
Tor Erik Skårdal
in progress
We have (finally) started. We will setup a test program when we have the first milestone ready. I will announce the test program here in this thread.
Andreas Erlandsen
Tor Erik Skårdal: Nice. Holding my breath. :)
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