Today's power price on the dashboard
Product team
Would have been nice to get the same graph as one gets from ex Fordkraft etc too
Øystein Kleppestrand
And not limited to the next day. So viewing should not stop at midnight, but continuously show the next 10 hours at least.
Svein Olav Aastrup-Leithe
Anders: Are there any developments here?
Seb Sebsen
Anders: Is something going on here?
Snåla Grisen
I would love to have this as well, to make it easy for my family to simply check the ipad mini on the kitchen wall, and not having to bring up the smartphone.
luneborg andreas
I agree wholeheartedly. Nordpool is a guide in itself, and it is a pity that it is not used to the maximum. Implementing today's and tomorrow's electricity price as dotted lines will make it easier for consumers to be more proven on consumption patterns relative to fluctuating electricity prices.
This should be relatively easy to accomplish.
Today's and tomorrow's local temperature on the graph will also be incredibly useful for planning favorable consumption.
Svein Olav Aastrup-Leithe
If one can also make it possible to combine historical spot price data with the information under “Energy”, one can see how consumption hits the spot price and can make assessments/adjustments to hit even better at the lowest price periods.