SDCO - Smoke, Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alerts (230V)
in progress
Anders Sanne
I have 10 such smoke detectors (230 V) connected in series. I'm using new app and the new kind of hub.
Problem 1:
In case of alarm (or if I test the alarm by pressing one of the notifiers) it is okay to turn off the sirens with the app. But I have noticed that the sirens are then left as disabled. The app gives me no option to activate the smoke alarms again. The only way I've managed to reactivate the smoke alarms is to click in on each individual smoke alarm and select “Clear”. That may not possibly be the way this system is intended to work. In the application it is stated that the smoke alarms will be automatically reactivated after a certain time.
Problem 2:
On one occasion, I have experienced that the alarm went off (false) in vacation mode. I then did not receive any notification in the app. The result was that all the lights were turned on and 10 sirens howled for half a day before I detected the alarm. Why doesn't it pop up notification in the app when the mode is vacation?
Problem 3:
All my smoke detectors are mounted up under sloping roofs. I wish for an opportunity to shut off the alarm using a physical switch (e.g. Fibaro Buttons). Not everyone in my household wants to use the app. They need an “analog” way to shut off the alarm when the porridge has burned.
Sjur Bjerke
Ad P1 - a CLEAR seems to solve that problem for my part.
Rune Synnevåg
Sjur Bjerke: Hey solve what problem? Can you elaborate on what “Ad P1 - a CLEAR” is for anything?
Rune Synnevåg: By accessing the notifier in the app -> additional features -> clear, it will “reset” the information about the notifier. If it has had an error message or been in test mode, this will reset so that it remains in normal operation
Espen Håland
in progress
Rune Synnevåg
Espen Håland: Which of the above issues are you addressing? You should watch everyone of course. The smoke detectors are a huge disappointment for me 😔
Rune Synnevåg
Espen Håland: In progress? It's been a year and nothing has happened 😔
Anders Sanne
This afternoon we got a false alarm due to steam from the dishwasher. The app notified on my daughter's cell phone and she turned off the alarm. All the whistleblowers end to beep.
When I check the status in the app, I see that the notification that triggered has been reset to OK. The 9 other whistleblowers are set to “silenced”. These I had to reset manually by selecting “clear” in the app. Resetting the alarm in the app must reset all the notifications.
Anders Sanne
This week I got another false alarm in vacation mode without the app notifying. I discovered the alarm by chance a couple of days after it was unresolved.
After closing the alarm, I had to reset all the notifications with “clear”. This system still has such major flaws and shortcomings that it should not have been approved for sale as a fire warning system in Norway.