Adam Moen
What's the status on this one?
Jan Vidar Meling
Anything new here??
Rune Synnevåg
Anders How long do you plan? Planned in April, but no update 9 months later?
Rune Synnevåg: Unfortunately, we have had some problems with Zigbee and have had to prioritize functionality on our products over IKEA's. We are currently in the process of implementing a better feedback structure, which I believe and hope will give you a better overview. Update is coming.
Sverre Øberg
Anders: any word on when we can expect this?
Starting to get annoyed. Homey is way ahead of futurehome in almost everything. Really starting to lose faith in Futurehome.
Stian André Hansen
Anything new here?
Jarleif Vågen
Anders: 👍👍👍👍
Aleksander Waage
Anders: Gorgeous!
And then the question immediately arises: When will it be finished? :P Neida, but any views on when it's scheduled start on and estimate on the work?
Aleksander Waage: That's the estimate we're investigating now. I have been confirmed that this will happen, but unfortunately how long it will take I do not know. I can admit that we have burned out on set dates before, and would rather have a realistic time confirmed than a desired time. I'll be back when I know more.
Aleksander Waage
Anders: Fornuftig ;)
Jarleif Vågen
Anders: No update on progress yet? :)
Rohit Shai
Anders: do you know anything more now? :)
Håkon Grødal
Imagine movie night scene, light dimming, warmth to comfort and roller blinds closing 😏 waiting in suspense!
Sverre Loeng Petersen
Jarleif Vågen: not going so fast 😂🙈
Jarleif Vågen
Sverre Loeng Petersen: No, things take time.. What I miss most from Futurehome is communication - if such inquiries like this are not to be followed up, it is better that the whole canny portal be shut down. At least then customers don't get false hopes that Futurehome is actually doing something.. 🤔
Jarleif Vågen
Sverre Loeng Petersen
Jarleif Vågen: support it. There is despairingly little communication.
Canny I have given up.
They have one good “concept” on smart homes, but solutions and development lag far behind competitors. This can cause them to lose their users to other solutions quickly
Jarleif Vågen
Sverre Loeng Petersen: Is what I'm afraid of - have steel trua on Futurehome, but there is so incredibly little communication.. I feel like trying other solutions.. If only I didn't have X number of smoke detectors that surely don't work with anything other than Futurehome... 🤦
Tarjei Sunde
Does FH screens support products that are finished products straight out of the package? E.g. LuxaFlex or equivalent?
Jarleif Vågen
Any updates related to the status on this one? Tor Erik Skårdal?
Sverre Loeng Petersen
Jarleif Vågen: he's quit FH I think. Went to Easee. Espen Håland surely knows more
Kristian Høyby
Support for IKEA curtains is highly desired
Sverre Loeng Petersen
Sensio, Homey and Home Assistant have support for IKEA. Time FH put this on pri or put it away.
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