This week we have had two false fire alarms. Both times, the same scenario occurs: FH starts initiating the fire alarm procedures (turning lights on/appliances off, turning heat off, unlocking doors) before we even get to see the screen for confirming or cancelling the alarm. Having a whole bunch of sirens going off unnecessarily is no fun at all...
I would propose a simple and elegant solution to this: When FH is in home mode, incorporate an optional, user adjustable delay between fire being detected and the fire alarm routine kicking off. This would at the very least give the user a chance to see and interact with the confirm/cancel screen before the system escalates everything. For away/night/holiday mode, things can be left as-is. It is when you are at home and awake that a false alarm is likely to occur anyway.
There is also an additional bonus for those of us with large Z-Wave networks: Currently, when an alarm goes off, our system gets flooded with signals immediately. This makes it a pain to turn the alarm off (for us it can take two or three minutes before the sirens stop after cancelling the alarm). A delay as proposed above would ensure that the alarm can be cancelled before the system goes into full overload.